State of the Insurance Market Report

2025 Initial Outlook and 2024 Wrap-Up

Architects & Engineers


Architecture & Engineering (A&E) firms have experienced a post-pandemic shift toward returning to in-office work. However, the implications of remote work impact a firms’ ability to attract and retain talent. This remains a major challenge, particularly for A&E firms.

Many design firms require employees to be in the office at least four days a week and there are more “billable” staff working from geographies where firms have no physical office locations. Firms remain cautious about the economy, but the first half of 2024 has provided positive financial results.

Market Conditions

In the A&E world, project-specific capacity for multi-family residential and other high-risk project types remains scarce, although a new facility involving multiple insurers brings new capacity for mega projects with construction values above a billion dollars. Increased project costs cause owners to require firms to carry higher professional liability limits. Simultaneously, insurers are limiting how much they will cover in a primary policy. As a result, A&E firms are increasingly using quota share and excess layers to get the coverage limits they need.

With London markets long having employed syndicated placements (multiple insurers sharing a percentage of the primary layer), and new market entrants joining Lloyds recently, increased competition abroad is already having a “softening” effect on domestic insurers. With higher limits and multiple insurers on a single program, there is a renewed emphasis by underwriters on minimum deductibles and/or self-insured retentions. Large A&E firms manage general liability, workers’ compensation, and auto coverage costs by exploring alternative risk financing options, including captives. Captives are for liability coverage only. Property coverage must be placed on a stand-alone basis, which is especially difficult for firms located on the coast.

All available data indicates unabated growth, with U.S. and Canadian design firms seeing average annual revenue increases in the mid-single digits. Larger firms tend to grow faster than their smaller counterparts and merger activity continues as small to mid-sized firms join larger groups.

It’s hard to say whether the revenue increase in recent years is attributable to more work being done or is simply a by-product of higher construction costs. Examination of construction input costs reveals another A&E professional liability trend: twelve-month percentage changes have dropped but the price of construction inputs – concrete, steel mill products, insulation materials, crude petroleum, and fabricated structural metal – has risen more than 41% since February 2020 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. A&E insurers pay close attention to this as increased construction costs directly impact the price of a professional liability claim.

The passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in late 2021 led to more growth in horizontal projects as opposed to vertical construction. AE-Professional_Liability_Claims_and_Claim_Reporting-1However, funding from the recently passed Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act and lowering interest rates could reverse that emerging trend. If historical norms continue, contractors currently experiencing less growth than A&E firms will see faster growth in 2025.

Insurers cite social inflation, erosion of caps on punitive damages, tort reform rollbacks, litigation funding, distrust of corporations, an organized plaintiffs’ bar, and higher rates for defense attorneys as factors that substantiate the need for increased professional liability rates.

Nevertheless, data from the 2024 American Council of Engineering Companies Professional Liability Insurance Survey suggests firms have experienced rate decreases and increases in equal measure for the past two years. Ample professional liability capacity caused a volatile marketplace that ironically pushed insurers to be more aggressive on new business than on renewals, as internal guidelines restrict underwriters to year-over-year rate increases.

The bifurcated professional liability market necessitates firms to collaborate with their specialty broker to compile a compelling underwriting submission that highlights a commitment to centralized risk management protocols.architects-engineers-heroClaims narratives that provide mitigating factors and/or “lessons learned” can also have a significant positive impact on renewals.

Firms with favorable loss histories — along with a willingness to approach alternative markets and provide detailed underwriting submissions — should not experience rate increases and can even hope for rate decreases. For the rest of 2024, we expect continued competition leading to more favorable terms and pricing, particularly for firms with excellent risk histories and profiles.

Interestingly, insurers share anecdotally that they are seeing more, not fewer, technical errors and that technology is a contributing factor – perhaps due to an overreliance on technology. Advancements in technology, such as generative artificial intelligence (AI), and other environmental factors require A&E risk management teams to constantly adapt and revise their approach to mitigate risk.

Rate Forecast
Architects & Engineers:   -5% to +5%



Layoffs and forced return-to-work policies can lead to employment practices liability (EPL) claims.
Ensure adequate coverage is in place before acting. An area to watch is proximity bias. Proximity bias is the better treatment of physically closer (i.e., in-office) workers than those who are remote.


Use follow-form policies and clearly lay out claims administration protocols when securing excess liability coverage.


Purchase extended reporting periods — or “tail coverage” — to cover the acquired firm’s prior acts of liability when acquiring smaller firms through “assets only” acquisitions.


Maintain open and transparent communication with underwriters.
Address any concerns or inquiries promptly. A collaborative relationship helps underwriters understand your risk management strategies and could result in more favorable underwriting outcomes.


Submit a detailed renewal letter instead of, or in addition to, a standardized application in your underwriting submission.
Provide a comprehensive overview of your operations and claims history. Offer details on risk management including updated policies and procedures (including AI), IT improvements, claims prevention, and risk mitigation.


Hold in-person meetings with underwriters for large and mid-sized firms.


Consider working with managing general underwriters (MGUs), as they are a faster, more efficient way to secure additional insurance capacity.
MGUs provide access to new capacity via specialized and experienced underwriting, streamlining the renewal process.

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